Why balcony hydroponics farming is popular?

Nowadays, everyone wants to grow their own foods and one of the most palace to opt for farming is a balcony. People are super busy and they have only minutes to spare for farming on a daily basis. That is why most of them resort to hydroponics equipment. Using hydroponics, you can grow as many vegetables, herbs and fruits. 

Balcony farming with hydroponics equipment

Hydroponics farming is a modern method of farming and many bring home hydroponic equipment to start their cultivation. From tiny to large, hydroponics kits are available to grow food at your home. The system uses an enriched nutrient-filled solution to get fresh and healthy plants. To get the most out of a hydroponics system, you need not set up a huge controlled environment. Using appropriate hydroponic equipment, you can grow as many vegetables as you like. 

The food crops you can grow in balcony hydroponics are not limited to the following list:

  • Lettuce
  • Spinach
  • Kale
  • Cabbage
  • Tomatoes
  • Oregano
  • Cucumber
  • Sweet peppers

Advantages to Balcony farming

  • Better root growth and hence you will have healthy plants
  • A great treat for your eyes and it can also relax your body
  • The recirculated hydroponics does not require more attention and resources
  • There will be no wastage of resources
  • You need not use pesticides as there will be no illness coming from the soil
  • Balanced nutrient and PH management assure more yields

Useful tips to consider in balcony farming

  • Selection of crops matter in balcony farming – Balcony is may be open or secluded. It is important to select vegetables and herbs that do not require much attention and resources. Capsicum, leafy vegetables like kale, lettuce and spinach are the best options. 
  • You must ensure the plants have enough sunlight or artificial light during the day.
  • You should allocate enough space so that the plants can easily expand and flourish
  • If you are planning to have wine plants, it is advised to get some support to assure sturdy plant growth.
  • Depending on your balcony, crops and lighting, you can choose either a solution based hydroponics system or a medium based hydroponics system.
  • At regular intervals, you need to check the level of water and replenish as you see the low level of water.

About us 

Elagreens is a top provider of hydroponics equipment in Kochi that provides the best technical support for setting up a hydroponics farm. We help young entrepreneurs as well as housewives set up their own hydroponics culture in a systematic manner. 

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